
Current connections not up to standard: Juniper Networks

Juniper Networks' Global Bandwidth Index 2014 has revealed that the majority of Australians are not completely satisfied with the speed of their current bandwidth connection.
Written by Aimee Chanthadavong, Contributor

Consumers in emerging markets are more satisfied with their bandwidth networks than their counterparts in developed countries, according to a survey by Juniper Network.

The Global Bandwidth Index 2014 showed that while Australia is a developed country, it had one of the lowest assessments of customer satisfaction when it came to bandwidth connection. In fact, 73 percent of customers in Australia have had one or more connectivity complaints, which resulted in the country being given a D rating.

Eighty nine percent of Australians said they are not completely satisfied with the speed of their current bandwidth connection. Australian consumers said mobile data plans and connection speed are the top two things restricting them from fully utilising their mobile connectivity capabilities.

Similarly, connectivity satisfaction in the US and Germany were rated with Ds, and the UK and Japan rated worse, with Fs.

Comparatively, emerging markets such as India received an A-plus, South Africa was rated with a B, Brazil received a C-plus, and China scored a C.

"In the developed world, high-bandwidth connectivity is so commonplace that people are much more sensitive to interruptions in service," the report said.

The index also highlighted that connected devices are being used differently between people living in developing and developed countries. For those in developing countries, connected devices are often a tool for "personal advancement" such as educational purposes, while the developed world is more focused on using connected devices for convenience and efficiency, such as for banking, shopping, and searching for local information.

The report revealed that Australians want to be able to do more with their connected devices over the next three to five years. For example, 42 percent want to receive more intelligent push notifications, and 40 percent want to be able to use their connected devices to manage smart home technologies. At the same time, the Australians surveyed said they want more access to location-based services, online education resources, healthcare resources and information, and an expansion of mobile payment options.

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