
Can green tech help save nature's biplanes?

Pressure to use ever more land to grow food and fuel is decreasing the land open to many wild creatures. Now there's concern that many dragonfly species could go extinct.
Written by Harry Fuller, Contributor

Pressure to use ever more land to grow food and fuel is decreasing the land open to many wild creatures. Now there's concern that many dragonfly species could go extinct. Their larvae need fairly unpolluted wetlands to grow in. Most of the dragonfly's life is spent under water, not in the free flying stage we've all marvelled at. There are over 500 species in North America and we recognize that 15% are already endangered. Green tech? Yes, more efficient ways of growing food and better ways of producing renewabe energy will lower the pressure to push ever more land into crop production. This is a oproicess that is moving apace from Britain to Brazil, as it has already across the North American continent where only a fraction of the original wetlands now continue or have been restored.

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