
'Cancer and a bike ride'

Gartner analyst, Thomas Otter, is doing a bike ride in the Rocky Mountains to raise money for cancer.
Written by Michael Krigsman, Contributor

My pal, Thomas Otter, who is a fellow member of the Enterprise Irregulars and a fine analyst at Gartner, is planning a bike ride in the Rocky Mountains to raise money for cancer. Maybe you can help.

Image credit: Michael Krigsman

Image credit: Michael Krigsman

Here's an excerpt from his blog post describing the plan:

I've got a little ride planned in the Rockies on  the 14th and 15th of  July with my mate John. For the cycling types, the ride is roughly 120 miles a day, with over 10,000 feet of climbing per day.

I figured it would be good idea to combine it with a dose of fundraising, but I'd not got around to getting things set up until now.

In the past few months, I have been to  services for people close to me who died from cancer, one for my uncle Alec and the other a dear friend, Hamish, from my SAP days.  At a very moving service last weekend in Jussy, many people  came to say goodbye to Hamish.  He was one of the good guys. He will be  sorely missed by his family and many friends.

Hearing the Burns poem, A Mother's Lament for her son's death, focuses one's mind. I have got my act into gear over at justgiving.com

I'm convinced that eventually scientific research will help  beat the disease.  Please head over to the justgiving.com page and take out your credit card.  Your dosh will go straight to cancer research.

It's a good cause from a great enterprise software guy. Sorry if this post is a bit off-center from our usual fare, but cut me some slack on this one, please.

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