
DataStax Enterprise 2.0 combines search and big data

DataStax believes that by combining Apache Hadoop, Cassandra and Solr it can bring together batch big data analytics and enterprise search.
Written by Dan Kusnetzky, Contributor

DataStax just launched the second version of its DataStax Enterprise (DSE 2.0). This software combines DataStax's edition of Apache Cassandra, Hadoop and Solr. The goal is making it easier to manage real-time, analytics and enterprise search data combined in the same database cluster. DataStax's goal was to combine Apache Cassandra's real-time transactional capabilities and Hadoop's batch analytics with all of the enterprise search features offered by Apache Solr.

DataStax also provided tools that automatically can move data from place to place as need to improve overall performance, reliability and availability.

DataStax is also offering new extensions to Cassandra's Query Language (CQL) to directly query and access data stored in Solr

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DataStax is part of an ever growing ecosystem of suppliers focused on making one or more of Apache's open source projects quickly and easily accessible to enterprise developers and analysts.

Some of these suppliers are commercializing Hadoop to make it less of a computer science project and more of a tool for enterprises to use to glean important insight from masses of data. Suppliers such as EMC, HP, IBM, MapR Technologies, RainStor, SnapLogic, and Zettaset are all at the Hadoop party and are doing their best to be the best friend of companies trying to make best use of Apache Cassandra and Hadoop.

Other suppliers, such as Lucid Imagination, are working to make Apache Lucene and Solr easy to use and a powerful search tool for enterprise.

DataStax, by combining Apache Cassandra, Hadoop and Solr together is taking on all of these competitors. DataStax's messages are clear, interesting, and make sense. The company, however, needs to be very creative in helping IT decision makers become aware of DataStax, become interested in what the company is doing and get them to learn more. DataStax needs to be very creative to be heard over the noise everyone else is making.

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