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Finland makes broadband access a legal right

The country has become the world's first to pass a law making high-speed net access, at speeds of at least 1Mbps, a legal right for all its citizens by July 2010
Written by Eileen Yu, Senior Contributing Editor

Finland has now joined the handful of nations to make broadband access a legal right for all its citizens.

The Ministry of Transport and Communications passed a law requiring telecommunication companies in the country to provide internet connection speeds of at least one megabit per second (Mbps) to some 5.2 million Finnish by July 2010.

According to local news reports, the Finn government had last month pledged to mandate online access speeds of 100Mbps for all citizens by the end of 2015. The latest law is an intermediary measure towards that target, the Ministry said.

For the full story on Finland decrees Net access legal right, see ZDNet Asia.

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