
Get iPhone Genius Bar help THIS SATURDAY? What are you, nuts?

Apple says this morning that starting at 9 a.m. this Saturday, iPhone training and assistance will be available at each Apple Store's Genius Bar.
Written by Russell Shaw, Contributor

Apple says this morning that starting at 9 a.m. this Saturday, iPhone training and assistance will be available at each Apple Store's Genius Bar.

Genius Bar, as you likely know, is the area at the rear of Apple retail stores where you can obtain detailed answers and help with all sorts of Apple products. It's a spiffed-up rev on the traditional customer service desk model, but one staffed by Apple employees who are paid to know their stuff.

While it makes sense for Apple to open their stores, and Genius Bars, to iPhone enquirers and new (as of the previous night) owners, I have to question the judgement or even the sanity of someone who would seek GB help on Saturday.

Can you imagine the lines? The mobs? The balance that even the most enabling GB, well, "Geniuses" must strike between furnishing iPhone answers/help to you as well as keeping an eye on the ever-lengthening lines behind you?

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