
Google Answers, the next generation

Google Russia has launched a Russian-only "Questions and Answers" portal that is simply a really good version of Google Answers -- which has been shut down for quite a while now.I don't speak Russian, so thankfully the Russian to English translator from Google actually works pretty good.
Written by Garett Rogers, Inactive

Google Russia has launched a Russian-only "Questions and Answers" portal that is simply a really good version of Google Answers -- which has been shut down for quite a while now.


I don't speak Russian, so thankfully the Russian to English translator from Google actually works pretty good.


Ask questions

  • If you have a question, which you are not able to find the answer, click on "Ask".
  • When you submit your question, we are looking for similar ones that may already be in the system.
  • Be sure to tag the question with multiple labels so other people can find it.
  • Your question will be shown to those who are interested.

Read labels and join them

  • Until people respond to your question, you can see a list of labels, and choose interesting topics to read through.
  • Let us know what topic you can provide answers in by subscribing to the icons.
  • When you click on the link "My labels", you will see only those that interest you.

Answer the questions other people

  • If you find a question you can provide a full answer to, click the answer. "
  • Try to include links to web pages which can be useful for people who raised the issue.
  • Try to give an answer that other users' questions and answers "to evaluate five points.

[some text translated by Google Translate]

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