
Google helps scientists with their large data sets

Do you have terabytes of data you don't know what to do with?  Let Google help you with that.
Written by Garett Rogers, Inactive

Do you have terabytes of data you don't know what to do with?  Let Google help you with that.  It looks like that's exactly what is being done for several research projects that have very large data sets -- so large that transmitting the data over wires is slower than the post office.

"Sharing data sets of this size over a network is quite unreasonable, so Google has decided to lend scientists a hand."

The program is primarily being used for data collected by NASA -- which may soon include 120TB of data collected by Hubble.  Chris DiBona (manager of Open Source projects) says that if anybody with a huge amount of scientific data wants to work with Google, they should send him a message.

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