
How to describe SOA in 100 words or less

Linthicum's good, bad, and ugly SOA elevator talk.
Written by Joe McKendrick, Contributing Writer

Dave Linthicum has a way of cutting right to the chase. So if you need to explain the latest thinking in SOA to someone while riding on the elevator, in 100 words or less, here's a good way to describe the current state of affairs -- as the good, bad, and the ugly. (In 70 words, actually.)

The Good: "What’s cool about SOA is that you can actually make the business significantly better... it will both heal some enterprises, and optimize others." 

The Bad: "We are suffering from the same mistakes we made in the client/server and distributed object days. Lack of planning, and over simplification of the technology is leading to some quick failures."

The Ugly: "Confusion. The 'ESB' thing, the 'Registry' thing, is ugly stuff."

Ding. All out for the 14th floor....  Thanks, Dave.

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