
IBM forging developerWorks

IBM is quietly transforming its developerWorks site into something more like Sourceforge, with more public-facing features aimed at expanding its reach to all open source developers.
Written by Dana Blankenhorn, Inactive

IBM is quietly transforming its developerWorks site into something more like Sourceforge, with more public-facing features aimed at expanding its reach to all open source developers.

Tom Hartrick, the site's manager, said the recent deals with Krugle and Koders were just the tip of an iceberg of change which has come to the site, and will continue to come to the site.

"DeveloperWorks will be putting itself where our users are," he said. "Hopefully this will increase our breadth of visitors."

The site's deal with Krugle is actually more extensive than the one with Koders.

"They do quite a bit in terms of letting users add notes, creating codespaces. It was the collaboration features. That’s where developerWorks is heading. We offer forums and wikis and blogs and chats and code exchanges. Now we offer a syndicated codesearch within developWorks, through Krugle.

"You can get to articles on both" Krugle and Koders, "but from within developerWorks you work with Krugle. "

That's not all. There are gadgets for Google, Yahoo and NetVibes, there are iPhone and iPod iTouch interfaces, there's an RSS feed available through Facebook, and the site has built a private island at Second Life it will eventually make public.  There are even podcasts.

The whole idea is to increase the reach of developerWorks services, to make it more attractive to use by all open source developers, and to give back to the open source community, Hartrick said.

It's a lot more than a mere Koders-Krugle search-off.

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