
Lotusphere 2006 Frappr!

I had not previously heard of Frappruntil CarlTyler blogged about it the otherday.  He set up a Lotusphere2006 Frappr, already with 27 Lotusphereattendees on the map.  Add yourself if you are attending Lotusphere-- should be interesting to see the event demographics mapped out.  Itlooks like it could also be an interesting site for photo sharing duringthe event.
Written by Ed Brill, Contributor
I had not previously heard of Frappr until Carl Tyler blogged about it the other day.  He set up a Lotusphere 2006 Frappr, already with 27 Lotusphere attendees on the map.  Add yourself if you are attending Lotusphere -- should be interesting to see the event demographics mapped out.  It looks like it could also be an interesting site for photo sharing during the event.

Originally by Ed Brill from Ed Brill on November 22, 2005, 7:01am

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