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Meet YouDeparted.com: a new meaning for the "grateful dead?"

The Observer's David Smith introduces us to YouDeparted.com.
Written by Russell Shaw, Contributor

The Observer's David Smith introduces us to YouDeparted.com.

The main purposes of this site are to issue day-to-day instructions to your surviving loved ones, friends or others about how they should handle various aspects of your life.

That would be funeral arrangements, how to take care of your pet, what to do about your outstanding bills and wills, your magazine subscriptions.

Perhaps most touching of all, you can record a video summing up what you want done, but far more important, how much you will miss everyone.

Oh, and the service notes it uses 256 bit Advanced Encryption Standard (AES), the same encryption technology the US Government's NSA uses to protect highly classified information.

The subscription fee costs $9.95 a year. Obviously you would sign up while you are still on this plane of existence. Then after you leave your body, family members or friends would then need to contact the site and provide documentation that you are no longer around. Then, your own area on YouDeparted goes- forgive the expression- live.

Given these secure services as well as inevitabilities, would you be "grateful" from beyond?

I'll leave that question to others.

But for now, a question for the living:

[poll id=143]

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