
Selling Managed Print Services Requires Attention to Detail

More businesses these days are open-minded about managed print services that consolidate printing and related document management costs.
Written by Doc , Contributor

Doc's a big fan of the folks over at Tech Target, who tend to make good information available in exchange for some basic registration information (and hey, you can always make stuff up if you don't want to give out the good data). This time around the info comes from Heather Clancy, who writes about selling managed print services.

IT solution providers report that more businesses these days are open-minded about managed print services that consolidate printing and related document management costs. Demonstrating those cost savings is a key component of managed print sales. Few businesses give much thought to their print budgets in relation to their overall IT technology spending plans, say IT solution providers.

As I said, you'll have to register to get the full report, but it's worth it in Doc's book. Heather is s good writer with lots of general business-writing experience.

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