
Shopping cart helps consumers make smarter food choices

An innovative shopping cart handle provides a way for consumers to make health-conscious decisions and cut time spent grocery shopping.
Written by Jenny Wilson, Contributing Editor
Lambent Shopping Trolley Handle

An innovative shopping cart handle provides a way for consumers to make health-conscious decisions and cut time spent grocery shopping. The Lambent Shopping Trolley Handle allows users to scan a product in the grocery store and receive information about it--like whether it contains allergens, is organic, or was grown locally (shown in 'food miles'). The technology also allows them to compare their own choices to that of other shoppers and see, for instance, if they tend to buy food from more miles away than the average shopper does.

The Lambent Shopping Trolley Handle is a 16-LED multi-color display that can snap on to any grocery cart. It's a result of the Change Project, a collaboration between four British Universities to design technology that changes human behavior. They joined forces with Indiana University, the Innovative Retail Lab in Germany and one more UK-based university to develop the Lambent Shopping Trolley Handle.

A study of the Lambent Shopping Trolley Handle found that such technology did serve to influence food choices. Nearly 75 percent of shoppers using the handle were more likely to choose products with lower food miles than they did when they shopped without it. By providing quick and easily accessible information for shoppers as they move their products from shelf to shopping cart, this technology could offer a way for consumers to make smarter and more sustainable food choices without really having to think about it.

[via Discovery News, Fast Company]

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