
We're improving our newsletters. Help us help you

We want to improve ZDNet's newsletters. But we need your help. Tell us what you do and don't like -- we're listening.
Written by Andrew Nusca, Contributor

ZDNet readers,

Many of you -- hundreds of thousands, in fact -- receive our e-mail newsletters.

And we've got a lot of them going out every day, slicing and dicing ZDNet's content so you can the good stuff that you want and avoid what you don't.

A few examples:

We've been quietly overhauling the format of our newsletters to make them cleaner and easier on your inbox. But we want to make them even better. So we're asking for your help, one newsletter at a time.

Tell us: what would you like to see improved? What do you like the best? What don't you like?

Things to consider:

  • Frequency (too often? too infrequent?)
  • Volume (too many stories? not enough?)
  • Selection (missing out on any of our bloggers?)

Leave your comment in TalkBack. (If you have a newsletter-specific request, please list which one you're talking about.)

We promise we'll read every one in an effort to make ZDNet easier on your inbox. Seriously.

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