
Enterprise 2.0 in action

Andrew McAfee, associate professor at the Harvard Business School and Enterprise 2.0 explorer provides his latest overview on corporate uses of the technologies associated with meme (blogs, wikis, RSS, tags, etc).
Written by Dan Farber, Inactive

Andrew McAfee, associate professor at the Harvard Business School and Enterprise 2.0 explorer provides his latest overview on corporate uses of the technologies associated with meme (blogs, wikis, RSS, tags, etc). 

  • Collaborative document production, such as Zoho and Google Docs & Spreadsheets
  • To build an encyclopedia, e.g., Wikipedia for corporate data
  • As all-purpose teamware
  • As a 'war room' for fast-changing situations
  • For knowledge broadcast
  • For broadcast search
  • For 'crowdsourcing,' or farming out a large task to an amorphous crowd of people and letting them decide what element(s) of it they want to work on 

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