
New voices join our blogosphere

Several exciting new voices joined ZDNet's blogosphere during the past few days. They include:Dion Hinchcliffe brings two decades experience in enterprise software development to his new blog, Enterprise Web 2.
Written by David Grober, Contributor

Several exciting new voices joined ZDNet's blogosphere during the past few days. They include:

Dion Hinchcliffe brings two decades experience in enterprise software development to his new blog, Enterprise Web 2.0 [Subscribe to RSS feed] He joins ZDNet bloggers Phil Wainewright (Software as Services) and Richard MacManus (Web 2.0 Explorer) to address the convergence of IT and the next generation of the Web. This week, Dion is exploring the Ajaxing of the desktop and the 'truthiness' of mashups.

Ed Burnette -- veteran software engineer, author, and Eclipse committer -- delivers a pragmatic view of open source in his new Dev Connection blog. [Subscribe to RSS feed] Although Eclipse will get a good share of the spotlight, Ed won't shy away from delivering his two cents on any subject of interest to developers, including open source licenses, patents, developer tools, and software and hardware innovations.

Also say hello to Marc Orchant--and goodbye to the office you know today. In his Office Evolution blog [Subscribe to RSS feed], Marc -- a self-described productivity maven, gadget freak, and recovering graphic designer -- will focus on the evolving nature of knowledge work and the ways that technology continues to impact our productivity and our increasing mobility. This week, Marc is asking: What does mobile productivity look like? And, Is Work Broken?.

Finally, Ed Bott brings his Windows expertise and two decades of technology writing experience to his new ZDNet blog, Ed Bott's Microsoft Report. [Subscribe to RSS feed] In the coming days, Ed promises closer looks at security features in Windows Vista, observations about the growing pains of Microsoft's new transparency, and some thoughts on the latest generation of security software.

Be sure to browse their blogs; better yet, subscribe to their feeds and never miss a story. We'll also be highlighting some of their insights here on Between the Lines, as well as introducing you to some more provocative personalities...

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