
Cylindrical Nokia phone powered by Coca-Cola

It's finally here: a soda-powered mobile phone! Sarcasm aside, someone has really developed this.
Written by Rachel King, Contributor

It's finally here: a soda-powered mobile phone! Sarcasm aside, someone has really developed this.

What was probably just a laughed-off concept before is now a reality: Chinese developer Daizi Zheng has designed a Nokia cylindrical cell phone that is fueled by soft drinks, but especially by Coca-Cola. (I wonder if that partnership was planned, or they're just going to be getting some free publicity off all this.)

It might work well for the forlorn traveler. Say your cell phone dies, and you don't have anywhere to charge it (or you lost the charger altogether) or buy batteries. But then you remember you have a bottle of that classic All-American drink in your backpack, crack it open, fill your phone and then take a refreshing swig for yourself. I can see the commercial now...

Hopefully no one imposes some silly soda/fat tax to get in the way of all this.

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