
Have a happy heart about eating chocolate

Newly published research indicates that chocolate may lower the risk of heart disease by a whopping 37%.
Written by Denise Amrich, Contributor

Image courtesy of Flickr user Janineomg. Chocolate lovers have something new to celebrate. According to a recent study published in the British Medical Journal, chocolate may lower the risk of heart disease by a whopping 37%.

Apparently, chocolate in any form (although dark chocolate is still considered to be most efficacious because of its comparatively low sugar and fat content) can help heart and brain health, probably because of its antioxidant content. If you want to know more, there's no shortage of discussion. The web is abuzz with stories about chocolate.

Experts caution that this news is not a good excuse for an all-out, no-holds-barred chocolate binge, because chocolate's sugar and fat content make it a food to be most appropriately enjoyed in moderation.

But a little healthy indulgence in some yummy chocolate can actually be good for you. I'm glad to hear it. My absolute favorite are those dark Dutch chocolate Droste Pastilles (which, come to think of it, I haven't seen in years). I also love those little individually wrapped Hershey's miniatures. The small bars are a great way to easily incorporate portion control into what might otherwise turn into chocolate madness.

Are you happy to hear that chocolate's health benefits have been newly affirmed? What's your favorite kind? Tell us in the TalkBacks below.

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