
Yak Hair, Project Failures, and Our Flat World

This morning, while sitting in a coffee shop enjoying green tea, my mobile phone rang. It was a research analyst from India, working on a report about CRM and ERP systems, who wanted to discuss project failures.
Written by Michael Krigsman, Contributor

This morning, while sitting in a coffee shop enjoying green tea, my mobile phone rang. It was a research analyst from India, working on a report about CRM and ERP systems, who wanted to discuss project failures. The call came via Skype-in, which automatically forwards to my mobile.

Now think about this: some guy in India reads my blog, tracks me down in a coffee shop here in Brookline, and we have a 45 minute conversation. And using voice over IP (VOIP) technology, the call costs essentially nothing. It’s the information equivalent of using the Web to buy and sell obscure products such as yak hair and live llamas.

The global connection is amazing.

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