
Predictions, 2005

I know it is late but here are my predictions for 2005. I actually did write these in December but since none of them have not come true yet now is the time to post them.
Written by Richard Stiennon, Contributor

I know it is late but here are my predictions for 2005. I actually did write these in December but since none of them have not come true yet now is the time to post them.

The first spyware that targets FireFox, will appear in the first half of 2005

We have not seem this yet but we have seen a few attempts by sites to exploit vulnerabilities in Mozilla. Succesful FireFox exploits cannot be far behind. Have you patched *your* copy of FireFox recently????

The number of new Microsoft vulnerabilities will grow.

I know—Stating the obvious. But it is important to realize that spyware writers will always have a large universe (hundreds of millions) of vulnerable machines to go after, despite Microsoft’s best efforts.

The US and European nations will pass anti-spyware laws.

HR 29 made it out of the Commerce Committee last week.

The number of different types of spyware will double to 3,000.

This is probably low.

Spyware will be distributed over email, p2p, IM, and http via Viruses, Worms, spam, and web browsing.

Already true.

The latest craze to distribute news, articles, and alerts (this blog) via RSS will succumb to advertising and spyware. A malicious code will be distributed via RSS.

Makes sense.

DDOS attacks will start to target more established ecommerce players and financial services.

Originally published at www.threatchaos.com  

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