
Google Glass app lets users wink to take a photo

Code for an app that allows users to take a photo by winking has been published on online code repository GitHub.
Written by Nick Heath, Contributor

A Google Glass app that allow users to take a photo just by winking has been made available online.

Code for the Winky app was published on GitHub by developer Mike DiGiovanni yesterday.

The app will allow users to take a photo without using the side-mounted button or voice commands usually needed, Giovanni said.

"Winking really changes things. You might not think it's hard to say "Ok, Glass Take a Picture" or even just tap a button," he said on his Google+ page.

"But it's a context switch that takes you out of the moment, even if just for a second. Winking lets you lifelog with little to no effort. I've taken more pictures today than I have the past 5 days thanks to this."

Giovanni's code bypasses code in the Glass OS that limits when the wink gesture should be recognised by the system and takes a photo every time the wink gesture is picked up by Glass.

A video of the app in action shows that the wink gesture is slower than the average unconcious blink, which should help prevent photos being taken accidentally.

The debate over whether privacy concerns will harm uptake of Google Glass was the subject of a recent Great Debate on ZDNet, with the majority of readers supporting the assertion that privacy concerns would hamper adoption.

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