
Video: 9 interviews from ISTE 2012

9 different interviews with 9 very different companies, highlighting news and announcements from this year's ISTE conference in San Diego.
Written by Christopher Dawson, Contributor

It took me a while, but I finally edited and produced all of the interviews I recorded at ISTE in the WizIQ virtual booth this year. These were originally posted over on the WizIQ blog since they were kind enough to give me free access to their virtual classroom, but I wanted to share the interviews here, as well. I hope you enjoy them - there are some great conversations here.

I've broken the embedded videos up into multiple pages to keep page loading snappy, but you can jump to individual interviews following the links below:


Capstone Digital

Funding Factory

Study Blue

Funds for Learning

Learning Resources

PCI Education


Texas Instruments


Editorial standards