
Yahoo to develop site optimisation service

Yahoo wants to use its back-end infrastructure to provide web analytics and content optimisation services to businesses, chief executive Carol Bartz said at a conference on Tuesday.Speaking at the Web 2.
Written by Jack Clark, Contributor

Yahoo wants to use its back-end infrastructure to provide web analytics and content optimisation services to businesses, chief executive Carol Bartz said at a conference on Tuesday.

Speaking at the Web 2.0 summit, Bartz said Yahoo is working on a product that will use the computing power of the web company's hardware infrastructure to offer site owners a "content optimisation" service.

"We're looking at helping people manage their content," Bartz said, according to Network World. The "content optimisation" service would allow web owners to personalise and target their websites toward specific users, using Yahoo's own data analytics, she said.

A large part of Yahoo's infrastructure runs on Hadoop, an open-source framework for data analytics and warehousing. Yahoo runs Hadoop on over 100,000 CPUs across over 36,000 servers, according to information from the Apache Software Foundation, which administers the project.

Yahoo's service does not exist as a product yet, according to Bartz, but the company is working on it.

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