
18.3% of US urban Internet users are 55+ years old

In the 80 plus metropolitan markets surveyed regularly by The Media Audit 61.2% of all adults visit the Internet regularly.
Written by ZDNET Editors, Contributor

In the 80 plus metropolitan markets surveyed regularly by The Media Audit 61.2% of all adults visit the Internet regularly. That's up from 54.9% in 2000 and most of the new growth is coming from those over 55 years of age. The markets surveyed have a combined population of more than 130 mln adults. The 55-64 share increased from 9.5 to 11.3% in the past four years. The percentage of those in that same age group who access the Internet regularly increased from 45.8% in 2000 to 56.7% in 2003. During the same time period, the 65 to 74 year olds have increased as a percentage of the total Internet audience from 4.6 to 5.4%. The percentage of those in that same age group who access the Internet regularly increased from 26.2% to 35.9%. Those of age 75+ have increased their share on the Internet market from 1.3 to 1.6% Among those who are 75+ the Internet usage has increased from 12.1% to 15.9%. 79.9 mln log on regularly. And 22.3 mln of the 79.9 mln are over age 50. The Media Audit data shows that 55.6% of married, age 35 plus, households without children access the computer regularly. Among households with children the%age that accesses the Internet regularly is 65.1%. Income also has a significant impact on Internet access. Among households with annual incomes of $50,000 or more the Internet access rate is 78.6% compared to 61.3% among all adults.

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