
42% of top research and development spenders reside in the US, 21% - in Japan

Globally, the US still leads by far in R&D, UK Department of Trade and Industry says. Some 42% of the top 1,000 companies in terms of spending on R&D are based in the United States of America, followed by Japan with 21%.
Written by ZDNET Editors, Contributor

Globally, the US still leads by far in R&D, UK Department of Trade and Industry says. Some 42% of the top 1,000 companies in terms of spending on R&D are based in the United States of America, followed by Japan with 21%. US firms also come out on top in terms of the proportion of turnover value they spend on R&D. US companies in the top 1,000 spend on average 4.5% of their turnover by value on R&D.

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