
Caller ID Phishing Over VoIP Feared

Someone purporting to be from your credit card company calls you, and asks you to update your contact info and confirm your banking information. Only that call doesn't come from your credit-card provider, but from a shady operation who is trying to obtain your personally identifiable information.
Written by Russell Shaw, Contributor

Someone purporting to be from your credit card company calls you, and asks you to update your contact info and confirm your banking information. Only that call doesn't come from your credit-card provider, but from a shady operation who is trying to obtain your personally identifiable information.

If you are dumb enough to give it, you'll likely be a victim of stolen identity. That's because the phisher sold your information to a criminal enterprise that might ring up charges on your accounts.

Because traditional phone networks have rigorous Caller I.D. security protection technologies in place, phishing over standard phone services is difficult. Yet anew report from Reuters says this protection is far lessrobust on VoIP services.

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