
Farechase, Kayak, Mobissimo, Cheapflights traffic up 304%

Travel search engines Farechase, Kayak, Mobissimo, and Cheapflights showed big spikes in traffic in the last six months, Hitwise reported in MediaPost. Kayak visits were up more than 6,000% from October 2004 through April 2005.
Written by ZDNET Editors, Contributor

Travel search engines Farechase, Kayak, Mobissimo, and Cheapflights showed big spikes in traffic in the last six months, Hitwise reported in MediaPost. Kayak visits were up more than 6,000% from October 2004 through April 2005. Farechase showed a 659% increase. Mobissimo grew 350% gain, and Cheapflights was up 56%. The travel market share of visits to those four meta search engines picked up 304% in the first half of 2005, while that of the top five online travel agencies (Expedia, Travelocity, Orbitz, Yahoo! Travel, and CheapTickets) increased by just 11%.

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