
Filemaker Pro 9 released

Ok, ok, enough with the iPhone coverage already. I hear you!
Written by Jason D. O'Grady, Contributor

Ok, ok, enough with the iPhone coverage already. I hear you!

One of the things that slipped under the radar during the iPhone euphoria was that fact that Filemaker, Inc. launched a major new upgrade to their flagship database product - Filemaker Pro 9.0.

The new version is significant because or two new features not found in version 8.5:

  • Live connections to SQL Data. You can now easily connect to data residing in external SQL data sources including: MySQL, Oracle SQL and Microsoft SQL Server and create links and integrate live MS SQL server, Oracle and MySQL data as if it were FileMaker-based data.

  • New PHP features. With FMP9 you can generate a fully functional PHP Web site in minutes using FileMaker data without writing code.

I've been a FileMaker junkie since version 1 and this excellent Mac database only gets better with each release. FMP comes in four flavors depending on your needs - Pro 9, Pro 9 Advanced, Server 9 and Server 9 Advanced.

One disappointment about iPhone's lack of third-party applications is that I can't use FileMaker Mobile on it - which is a huge bummer. I used FMM on my Treo all the time. There, I turned it into an iPhone post after all... what can I say?

Further Reading: Macworld has posted a nice review of FMP9 including its two way SQL connections.

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