
Google Base items get statistics

People who publish on Google Base are now able to see additional information about search impressions, clicks and page views for their items.  Before today, users could only see a list of items they created with no bells and whistles.
Written by Garett Rogers, Inactive
People who publish on Google Base are now able to see additional information about search impressions, clicks and page views for their items.  Before today, users could only see a list of items they created with no bells and whistles.

By looking at the statistics in my account, I can easily see the benefit of knowing this new information -- and frankly, I wonder why it wasn't available when the service first launched.  I can see which items are hot and cold, how often they appear in search results and how many times they have been clicked on -- giving me good information about the quality of my items.
Impr. (Impressions): The total number of times your item has appeared in search results since it was published.
Clicks: The total number of times that someone has clicked on your item in a list of search results since it was published.
Page Views: The total number of times a searcher has viewed your base.google.com item page since it was created. Google Base does not count page views for pages hosted on your own website. If your item links to a page on your own web site, page views data will not be available for that item.
Impressions and clicks are updated only once daily, but page views will refresh more frequently. They have been collecting these statistics for just over two months -- anything from before June 7th has not been recorded according to the help page for these new features.


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