Home & Office

Greening your office for the new year

Want some practical practices to reduce your carbon footprint? Wanna leave less impact on the planet?
Written by Harry Fuller, Contributor

Want some practical practices to reduce your carbon footprint? Wanna leave less impact on the planet? Besides selling your car, or driving it off a cliff, there are some things you might be able to do around the office besides turn off your computer and monitor every night when you leave.

The folks at WebEx and their partners have put together this green office site. It's a British-based website and over in Europe they actually believe in global warming as a matter of science and so are prepared to try to do something about it. WebEx is now owned by Cisco, so naturally they are big on using the Internet rather than, say, airplanes. I have yet to see any serious calculus on this but it has to be less pollutinmg to increase web traffic rather than air traffic. After all the web could be powered by solar or wind. Not so those planes which can only run on...arrgh, petroleum products.

Their basic pitch: do your work and presentations online, not in person. Makes sense to me now that you have take off your shoes and your belt just to get on a crowded plane where the food is worse than cardboard. And being Europeans they throw around carbon footprint numbers like they were baseball batting averages. We Yanks are so far behind that climate curve.

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