
Hey readers, what's your problem with Patents?

Whenever I write a post about Patents- on this blog, on my ZDNet BlackBerry Beat blog, or elsewhere- I always seem to receive a bunch of "what's new about this," "why is this patentable", "ya gotta be kidding me," or in the boilerplate view of one reader- "all patents must die."Not complaining, just trying to understand where many of you are coming from about Patents.
Written by Russell Shaw, Contributor

Whenever I write a post about Patents- on this blog, on my ZDNet BlackBerry Beat blog, or elsewhere- I always seem to receive a bunch of "what's new about this," "why is this patentable", "ya gotta be kidding me," or in the boilerplate view of one reader- "all patents must die."

Not complaining, just trying to understand where many of you are coming from about Patents. My first impressions are that some of you think that:

Patents are a construct of government, and some of you view the regulatory component of government as both noxious and counterintuitive to innovation.

Patents can be trolled, and you don't like companies who do the trolling.

Do you think the current Patent system is OK? Not OK? If not, what would you change?

I patently smell a poll...

[poll id=72]

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