
Innovative AI start-ups out of Israel

There are some very cool AI solutions coming out of Israel right now. Here are a few start-ups that have impressed me recently that could work well in your organisation.
Written by Eileen Brown, Contributor


Anodot is an AI analytics platform which analyses data to discover anomalies and unusual patterns in the data. It assesses what is normal for the business, and gives anomalies a score which can then highlight unusual behaviour from the set point.

It then delivers alerts and data insights to determine the root cause of an issue in real time. It can identify anomalies which occur in multiple geographies, group related anomalies together and provide combined alerts to show the relationship between them.

Its dashboard also shows visuals of the anomalies with access to the data behind the chart. Regular data charts can be bookmarked for regular access.


Personetics provides AI-based self-service and money management to customers. It gives customers insight into their spending habits and enables them to manage their financial lives and monthly finances.

Its products enable customers to have a personalised service and interaction with their bank to improve the customer experience and provide predictive analytics for the bank.

Its self service solutions can warn customers days before they move towards low balance, and can show how often customers are unnecessarily spending money. The AI solution can also take action on behalf of customers to help them reduce debt, and improve their financial wellbeing.


SnatchBot is a platform-as-a-service (PaaS) solutions that enables customers to create chatbot-based messaging solutions for their customers across mobile, apps and chat services.

Both automated and human-hybrid bots can be created and conversations designed for the business - whether using multiple choice options, or action items.

The platform has a free version and a Pro-Plan where branding for the chatbot is removed. Bot builders can decide which channels can be used to access the bot, or publish the bots across all channels using one api to integrate the conversations.


SparkBeyond is an AI-powered research engine for predicting outcomes, discovering patterns, and taking advantage of data repositories across the web.

The data is sorted by definitions and criteria to optimise the desired business result. Hidden patterns and insights are surfaced to provide trends and predictions.

It combines customer data with publicly available data to surface insights. It then applies hypotheses, sentiments, and equations to refine the knowledge gathered to make predictions more relevant and accurate for the brand.


Syte is an image recognition solution is a visual search product that enables customers to upload an image of the product they would like to buy. The retailer can then return items within its current inventory that matches the customers desired item.

The retailer can tag their inventory from the product image. It uses a camera button on the retailers site which enables customers to upload images of their desired item and receive visually similar items from the retailer.

It uses visually engaging images from a customer site. If the customer is inspired by a product, and interacts with the image they see, they can quickly receive the most relevant alternatives from the retailer. They can shop from any image featured on the site.

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