
Nuggets: Real time nursery rhymes from 3Com

Connect to your kids at bedtime...
Written by Justin Pearse, Contributor

Nuggets, twice a day, every day (well, we do our best!). Software, hardware and every gadget we can get our mitts on...

Networking giant 3Com has taken time off from connecting the world to concern itself with nursery rhyme continuity.

It's just launched the HomeConnect PC Digital Webcam and one of its ideal uses, according to 3Com, is for a father on the road to be able to "sing round two of itsy-bitsy spider along with his daughter". Which is rather touching.

The camera has an automatic low light adjustment feature that helps if you're filming at night by compensating for all types of light. There's a nine-foot detachable USB cable and a single capture button for grabbing quick shots.

If your hands are full, there a tilt and swivel camera base which can be removed and mounted on a standard trip or laptop. 3Com promise interchangeable lenses later this year that'll let you add a wide angle or telephoto lens.

And that is just about that.

The bundled software includes Microsoft NetMeeting, PictureWorks Netcard Pro for email postcards, WebCam 32 to put 'adult' pictures of yourself all over the Web, RealPlayer G2, PictureWorks Live to sending video clips as email, and HomeConnect ViViewer.

Out now for £129.99.

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