
Search 11 more languages with Google Code Search

Fellow blogger Ed Burnette spotted an announcement from the Google Code Search team stating they added an additional 11 languages to the service.We just added support for additional programming languages: AppleScript, COBOL, ColdFusion, Haskell, Modula-2, Modula-3, OCaml, R, Rebol, SML, and VHDL.
Written by Garett Rogers, Inactive

Fellow blogger Ed Burnette spotted an announcement from the Google Code Search team stating they added an additional 11 languages to the service.

We just added support for additional programming languages:
AppleScript, COBOL, ColdFusion, Haskell, Modula-2, Modula-3, OCaml, R, Rebol, SML, and VHDL.  They now appear in the language drop-down on the Advanced Code Search page

They also explain that you can search for any language you want by using the "file:" operator.

If your language of choice isn't on there, you can still search for code written in that language. Just use the the "file:" operator to restrict your search to files with the right extensions.  For example, you could restrict your search to files with a .zz extension with a query like:

   foo file:\.zz$

Or, you could restrict to multiple extensions, for example to .x and .abc with something like:

   hello, \world file:\.(x|abc)$

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