
Two close-up photos here of in-dev next-gen NETGEAR Skype phone

When LiveDigitally.com blogger Jeremy Toeman visited NETGEAR's HQ last week, he was able to get a couple of closeup pix of the still-in-development 2nd-generation WiFi Skype Phone.
Written by Russell Shaw, Contributor

When LiveDigitally.com blogger Jeremy Toeman visited NETGEAR's HQ last week, he was able to get a couple of closeup pix of the still-in-development 2nd-generation WiFi Skype Phone.

No, this were not stealth photos, but those taken with NETGEAR CEO Patrick Lo holding the handset.

That was one pix at the top of this post.

Here's another:

Then, guess what. Jeremy actually got Patrick Lo to talk about the phone. And what's better, he made a YouTube post of it.

Here I go with a freeze frame:

Freeze frame- but not the type J. Geils Band sang about back in the day.

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