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UK readers say bye bye to print - research

The majority of UK readers are quite happy to read online instead of print journals according to research this week.
Written by Will Knight, Contributor

The research, carried out by organisers of the national year of reading indicates that most people believe reading will become more important than ever before as we enter an online information revolution.

Traditional dismissal of such claims by the newspaper industry has, it seems, been replaced by resigned stoicism. The Media News Editor at the Guardian, Paul McCann for example, admits newspapers have been hit hard by the growing popularity of online news. "Newspaper sales have been in decline for about 10 years. The Internet is a serious threat to newspaper circulation." However, McCann is still holding on to the belief that people will buy their daily paper for a while yet. "Papers are still very cheap and mobile, and people tend to buy papers for complex reasons such as political or social standpoint."

As a strange coincidence, the Independent Newspaper's website was attacked and defaced by some slightly more militant anti-newspaper hackers two weeks ago. It was daubed with the message: 'Every day you come to this site and check the daily news. Every day you give blind trust to its contents. Hackers with more malicious meanings could have easily put up some fake news bulletins, saying anything they want you to believe, without you even noticing."

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