
Universal Desktop Daily - Wednesday, December 20, 2006

The Flex Cookbook is released, Rich Internet Applications and travel, Mark Anders on Apollo, Flex and WPF and OpenLaszlo "Legals" becomes OpenLaszlo 4.0.
Written by Ryan Stewart, Contributor

  • The Flex Cookbook has been released to beta this week. The site is a partnership between Adobe and O'Reilly and should prove to be a good resource for Flex developers. Those that contribute also have a shot at having their solution published in an O'Reilly book.
  • ehotelier.com has a fun article about Rich Internet Applications and travel. I hadn't heard of most of the sites mentioned in the article but I thought this was a unique slant on RIAs and worth a mention.
  • Mark Anders has an interview in The Register about Apollo, Flex and WPF. Mark has been in the industry a long time and is always worth checking out. I found this via Mike Chambers who has some additional thoughts on the article. He mentions the idea of RIAs being cross platform by definition. That's something I disagree with and I think it's worthy of an entire post so I won't go into detail here. Suffice to say that I think RIAs running on only Mac or only Windows are still RIAs.
  • OpenLaszlo "Legals" got a rename to OpenLaszlo 4.0. It sounds like a beta build may be available soon.

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