
UUNet spammed - 4 days and no answers

Nearly four days after UUNet servers were crippled by a spam attack, its technical team are still scrambling for answers.
Written by Richard Barry, Contributor

According to ZDNet readers UUNet suffered a slowdown Monday evening with email traffic eventually grinding to a halt that evening. No official statement was forthcoming and mail "looked as though it was lost" according to one reader.

By Tuesday UUNet posted a note saying the Pipex Dial email servers were "running slowly" but that email should be safe. But a UUNet spokesperson this morning told ZDNet that although things were "getting back to normal" and "the backlog of about two days" was being cleared, her technical experts could offer no explanation why the service was affected so severely.

The spokesman would not disclose information on the company's security system.

No further comment was offered by press time.

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