
What users are saying about Project Gizmo

In my last post, I gave you some background info on the Gizmo Project softphone, and its spearheader, veteran entrepreneur and MP3.com founder Michael Robertson.
Written by Russell Shaw, Contributor

In my last post, I gave you some background info on the Gizmo Project softphone, and its spearheader, veteran entrepreneur and MP3.com founder Michael Robertson.

As I mentioned, Michael has sent me a few emails last night and this morning.

In one of those emails, he draws perspective from comments the Gizmo Project has received from users since they made their softphone available about a month ago.

Based on the tone of the user comments, Michael had three observations he shared with me:

  • "They like the auto-updating feature which upgrades to latest version upon start-up if the user likes so no more download hassles.
  • "Some report much less memory and processor requirements because we don't force certain clients to be super nodes. You can't tell Skype to NOT use your computer as a supernode so for those user who's computers are used in that manner they will see dramatically higher processor and memory demands.
  • "They like our MIS friendly approach for traversing networks which does not involve punching holes in firewalls, port scanning and never commandeers a computer to use bandwidth and processing for relaying third party calls.

That's what users are thinking. But what does Michael think? He's been testing the Gizmo Project and Skype on his PC. In my next post, I'll let you know what he reported to me.

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