
WiSee: Gesture recognition in your entire home

New technology aims to allow gesture recognition for appliances no matter where you are.
Written by Charlie Osborne, Contributing Writer

WiSee wants to turn your entire house into a gesture recognition-enabled area.

University of Washington computer scientists have begun developing gesture-recognition technology which uses Wi-Fi signals to control sensor-based devices in the average household.

By using a few wireless sources including a router and mobile devices, WiSee technology can detect and transmit human gestures. Unlike Kinect, Leap Motion or MYO, WiSee does not need cameras or user instrumentation of devices. As wireless signals are not hindered by walls and do not require line-of-sight control, the researchers say that the gesture recognition system could be used in scenarios including turning on and off lighting in different rooms, or powering up television sets while physically in a different area.

To prevent accidental use, WiSee would be powered up with a startup sequence of gestures.

The proof-of-concept was tested in both an office environment and a two-bedroom apartment, and the team's results show that WiSee could identify and classify a set of nine gestures with an average accuracy of 94 percent.

The computer scientists say that in the near future, WiSee could be implemented in today's wireless devices through enabled routers, which could then be connected to a number of gesture-recognition detecting devices.

Read More: Wired

Image credit: University of Washington


This post was originally published on Smartplanet.com

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