
Which retailers use social media to attract next-gen consumers?

What social media policies affect the positions of the 250 top Internet retailers, and how do they appeal to the youngest wave of customers?
Written by Charlie Osborne, Contributing Writer

It's become almost a necessary practice for companies to consider incorporating social media policies into their business strategies.

Whether it is by bringing their Facebook popularity into the physical world to influence buyer decisions, or an attempt to connect with their customers to save off potential negative commentary on Twitter, expanding online networks now have placed an unprecedented amount of power into the consumer's hands.

A change in consumer demands is at play. As the younger generation grow up, enter the workplace and become part of the consumer market, businesses must learn how to keep connected with their customers. People demand purchasing capabilities on websites, and mobile access is becoming more important.

But which retailers are using the Internet to full advantage?

An infographic provided by Campalyst puts together the largest Internet retailers in the U.S., and their presence on the five most popular social networks -- Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Google+ and Pinterest.

According to Campalyst, 97 percent of the top 250 Internet retailers are on Facebook, and the average number of followers, subscribers and fans on each network in the top 250 Internet retailers are:

  • Facebook: 935,758
  • Twitter: 57,097
  • YouTube: 4,371
  • Google+: 16,077
  • Pinterest: 731

Victoria's Secret is the top brand followed on Facebook, followed by Walmart, Adidas, Nike and Target. Facebook remains the most popular option for brands, with 43 companies retaining over one million fans, in comparison to only one that is present on Twitter. YouTube attracts a lower amount of fan -- but is known to have millions of views per day. This may suggest that most of the content distribution is casual or embedded elsewhere. Google+ and Pinterest are the least popular options.

For more information, view the infographic below:



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