Terry Relph-Knight

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NComputing X300

NComputing X300

<p> <a href="http://www.ncomputing.com/ncomputing/index.php">NComputing</a> uses proprietary multi-user technology to share the use of a single host computer among multiple access terminals. The entry-level <a href="http://www.ncomputing.com/ncomputing/products/direct.php">X300</a> uses an internal PCI card to support up to three users per card. Two £149 X300 kits can be used for a total of seven users per host PC (six on the X300 terminals and one on the host PC). The <a href="http://www.ncomputing.com/ncomputing/products/typel230.php">NComputing L230</a>, which we have also reviewed, is a similar product that connects to an Ethernet network and can support up to 10 users with a desktop host and 30 users with a server host. These two products use different terminal server software, so different hosts are required for each product &mdash; although they can coexist on the same network. </p>

February 14, 2008 by in Hardware