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12 Days of ‘Staircase Wit’ for 2013 (Day 10)

Rather than end the year with a ‘best of’ list or predictions for 2014, I’ll be delivering 12 days of holiday gifts to you in the form of treppenwitz: all the afterthoughts I had all year.

Treppenwitz or perhaps more correctly ‘l’esprit de l’escalier’ is the expression for when you think of the perfect thing to say, but long after the moment you should have said it. In this series of blogs I given myself a second chance to comment or correct topics I’ve covered this year.


Still (Oddly) Analogue

I started October with my ode to all things vinyl. However, it seems that digital could impact vinyl in a way we never expected: 3D printing records. This sounds very intriguing, although given the instructions to ‘print’, the record would actually be ‘digital’ rather than ‘analogue’, and you’d still get similar compression issues to that of CDs. But it’s a very interesting concept.

4G or Not 4G: That is the Branding

I also looked at the marketing of LTE here in the UK. My central tenet was that all everyone seemed to be doing was confusing consumers, and given the complications of spectrum allocation in the UK (and the devices that would be able to connect) that this wasn’t helping.

Interestingly, the recent marketing approaches have changed.

Three (UK), who has said it would offer 4G at no extra cost, has taken the approach of quietly rolling out 4G. So for subscribers, the upgrade comes as a nice surprise. Given that during rollout, coverage is in flux, lowering expectations could help temper any consumer frustrations.

And recently Vodafone has focused on communicating benefits in clear and simple language.

4G vodafone


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