
22% of users spend less time on e-mail because of spam

53% of adult e-mail users in the United States now say they trust e-mail less because of spam, down from 62% a year ago and about the same as a June 2003, according to Pew Internet and American Life Project. 22% of e-mail users say they are spending less time on e-mail because of spam, down from 29% last year.
Written by ZDNET Editors, Contributor

53% of adult e-mail users in the United States now say they trust e-mail less because of spam, down from 62% a year ago and about the same as a June 2003, according to Pew Internet and American Life Project. 22% of e-mail users say they are spending less time on e-mail because of spam, down from 29% last year. In 2003, it was 25%.

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