
99 cent app unlocks video recording on iPhone 3G/2G

Apple has approved a new app for the App Store that enables video recording on iPhone 3G/2G, a feature that wasn't officially supported by Apple until the iPhone 3GS.
Written by Adrian Kingsley-Hughes, Senior Contributing Editor

Apple has approved a new app for the App Store that enables video recording on iPhone 3G/2G, a feature that wasn't officially supported by Apple until the iPhone 3GS.

The app, called iVideoCamer, is priced at 99 cents, a lot less than an upgrade to the 3GS will cost you.

There are some pretty serious limitations though:

  • Capture rate of 3 fps
  • Videos limited to 1 minute length
  • Resolution an eye-watering 160x213

Can you see why Apple never switched this feature on? The resolution alone is enough to make this feature useless for most.

That said, customer comments so far seem quite positive.

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