
A Year Ago: 1999 - The year in technology

First published: Thu, 23 Dec 1999 07:37:00 GMT
Written by ZDNet UK, Contributor

ZDNet News looks at the year - and the millennium - that was, including the rise of Linux, the coolest gadgets of the last 1000 years and why British hackers have been ignored

For your reading enjoyment, ZDNet over the new year has published a series of reports on some of the top technology issues of the year, the century and the millennium.

An era of high-tech toys

Fri, 24 Dec 1999 -- Looking back on a century of nifty items, ZDNet brings you 10 of the gadgets that have shaped our lives

Year of the penguin

Sat, 25 Dec 1999 -- Linux boomed in 1999, gaining attention for itself and the open source development model in both the mass media and the business world. ZDNet News brings you the highlights

Hackers Rule OK

Mon, 27 Dec 1999 -- People may associate it with the US, but hacking -- both legal and illegal -- is an international phenomenon. And Britain has its own distinct history of computer exploits

The Internet of the 21st century

Mon, 27 Dec 1999 -- 1999 is just the beginning. Futurists believe the Net and the PC will become practically invisible -- and will fundamentally change our lives

Exploring the human-machine frontier

Tue, 28 Dec 1999 -- In the 21st century computer and network technology will restore sight, relieve pain and even transmit our thoughts, scientists believe. And the beginnings are here today

E-business hit the big time in 1999

Wed, 29 Dec 1999 -- The tech industry grew into the mainstream this year, with the UK even getting into the startup and IPO game alongside the US. ZDNet News brings you some of the top business stories of the year

A millennium of inventions

Wed, 29 Dec 1999 -- ZDNet News brings you breaking technology news from the last 1000 years

MP3: A year of living dangerously

Thu, 30 Dec 1999 -- This digital music format caused a great deal of trouble this year, leading to legal attacks and the sentencing of a college student. But it also revitalised the music industry

Getting ready for the year 2000

Fri, 31 Dec 1999 -- Have preparations for the Millennium Bug paid off? We won't really know for months, say experts

Also see ZDNet's Christmas/New Year schedule

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