
'Agility' 10 times over -- and other ways to tell it's not SOA

I got some interesting responses to my recent post, "Ten Ways to Tell It's Not SOA." Dave Linthicum added five more to the list, including:"11) If this is a change in 'paradigm' and not a change in 'architecture' ...
Written by Joe McKendrick, Contributing Writer

I got some interesting responses to my recent post, "Ten Ways to Tell It's Not SOA." Dave Linthicum added five more to the list, including:

"11) If this is a change in 'paradigm' and not a change in 'architecture' ... it's not SOA."

"12) If your SOA vendor uses the term 'agility' over 10 times in any given presentation, chances are you're not getting agility ... and it's also not SOA."

"13) If the enterprise architect is going to enterprise architecture conferences, chances are ... it's not SOA. However, there will be a lot of governance."

"14) If somebody calls something an 'SOA application,' chances are ... it's not SOA."

"15) If somebody says 'services orient-en-ta-ted,' it's not only SOA, but you need to fire that person. (Unless they're British.)"

Readers also kicked off some great talkbalk comments on what does and doesn't constitute SOA.

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