
Another IBM patent dump

IBM has made another patent dump, this time granting universal access to over 150 patents meant to assure that software can interoperate.
Written by Dana Blankenhorn, Inactive

IBM has made another patent dump, this time granting universal access to over 150 patents meant to assure that software can interoperate.

I'm certain people will complain IBM is only doing this for its own corporate advantage. The patents were previously available without royalties, but now IBM is promising not to sue unless someone sues it first.

It's clear that the patent system is broken, especially as relates to software. Concessions like this would not be necessary if patents were doing what they were supposed to be doing, encouraging innovation, rather than discouraging it.

But as my Irish great-aunt used to say, if wishes were horses beggars would ride. Or to quote Jimmy Durante (1893-1980), "Dese are de conditions dat prevail."

So concessions like this are welcome, and I wish more companies would follow suit. Good night, Mrs. Palmisano, wherever you are.

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