
AT&T to start charging more for iPhone data usage?

Watch out, iPhone users, as you might have to curb your Internet data usage soon.According to USA Today, AT&T is having trouble handling wireless data usage.
Written by Rachel King, Contributor

Watch out, iPhone users, as you might have to curb your Internet data usage soon.

According to USA Today, AT&T is having trouble handling wireless data usage. Too much activity has led to dropped calls and longer load times on apps that use the Internet. That goes double for users in New York and San Francisco.

AT&T execs say that say that they're working on (unspecified) upgrades to curb the problem, but that they're also considering developing "high-bandwidth users incentives to 'reduce or modify their usage.'" There isn't a definite date or timeline yet, or details how this will apply to owners already under contract.

Personally, I hate this. I don't want to have to worry about counting how many KB or MB I'm using per month, per week, per day, whatever. And I can see a lot of iPhone users turning towards unlocking their phones and using other carriers to get away from AT&T.

Do you think this is a viable solution or will it just result in backlash against the company?

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